Local Authority Net Zero Transport Strategy

If you are a local authority, of any size, Mint Green is here to help you translate your declaration of a ‘climate emergency’ into a joined up sustainable transport strategy.

Over 80% of local authorities in the UK have declared a Climate Emergency, but around a third still haven’t completed a strategy for reaching net zero. Even in the case of those that do have a strategy, transport is one of the hardest policy areas to tackle.

Larger authorities can afford in-house expertise and help from larger consulting firms, but officers in smaller authorities in particular may only have expertise in a few areas. As an independent consultant with low overhead, I can help fill the gaps in specialist knowledge at low cost, working closely with officers and members to help create a net zero transport vision that covers all areas – from EVs to walking, taxis to freight, planning to parking.

Once the vision is in place, Mint Green can continue to support its implementation. This starts with calculating and reporting emissions, and I was part of the UK committee contributing to the new international standard for calculating and reporting greenhouse gas emissions from transport. I can also advise on procurement, write funding applications, provide data analysis or run vehicle trials. I have carried out research and analysis for authorities on their taxi fleets, helped run and analyse trials of low emission refuse collection vehicles, and developed active travel plans and their freight equivalents in London.